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Courageous | Curious | Compassionate | Connection 


The Well Man Walking is me.

I have been on my own personal development journey since first being put through a Myers Briggs Personality Type test circa 1999. Getting a glimpse into personality types and behaviours fascinated me and ever since I have been working to gradually and fully discover and walk into who I really am.

My coaching practice is dedicated to helping others discover and become who they are, not a persona they think they should be, but at the most fundamental level, who they really are.

My journey so far: raised in a vicarage; member of a Christian Cult for 15 years; no religious affiliation for the last 15 years; married 32 years; father to 3 grown up children; optometrist (working in primary healthcare throughout); corporate healthcare executive, inventor; UK patent holder; coach; lots of walking!

I have coached, managed, mentored, supervised and trained many people over the years. I have experienced good and bad managers. I have dealt with relationship struggles, family traumas, control and mild forms of emotional and spiritual abuse. I have taken risks, failed, learned and succeeded.

This diverse range of experiences, how I have come to a place of knowing and owning my identity and being very clear on my why - to champion courageous, curious, compassionate conversations so that people connect wholeheartedly - combined with my coaching knowledge and skills, enables me to help clients unpack their current situations and limitations as we consider: who you really are; what is your identity;  discover real meaning and purpose; where it is you want to go and how to get there.

This may involve a deep dive into values and beliefs, reviewing good and bad  habits, developing new habits better aligned with your values, developing emotional intelligence and agility, cognitive behavioural coaching, setting and maintaining boundaries, establishing accountability and lots more. You decide and we work together.

Let’s chat and discover how to develop your best self.


Origins of Well Man Walking

In 2019 Jess and I celebrated our 30th wedding anniversary, having first met at university in London in 1983. Over the years both of us have changed hugely, and in ways we probably did not expect! Most of this change has been driven by the influence we have had on each other. We are very different! On most personality type indicators we come out almost opposite profiles, so clearly in this case opposites did attract! However, this has not been easy at times and has taken a lot of work and commitment to each other’s well being and best interests. We have become more alike in many ways and we have come to really appreciate each other! We have very different skill sets and gifting which are very complementary, albeit a cause frustration at times.


This background is key to the origin of Well Man Walking (WMW). On a walk in the Black Mountains near Abergavenny in March 2019 I was enjoying and contemplating life, how much I love walking those hills and it was a day or two after International Women’s Day. I was reflecting on how many truly incredible women I am fortunate enough to know and somewhat disappointed about how few equally good men I know! This is not in any way to "dis" the men I do know, but I'm just so impressed by how many women really seem to have their act together - often against the odds! I was also mindful of a recent conversation I had with a good friend about how we as men just take so much of our privilege for granted (privilege that many of us are not even aware that we have!) and was challenged to think how badly we use this privilege at times! Frankly, I think we’d be so much better off in the world if women ran everything! Until that happens us men need to be/do better! Better husbands, partners, fathers, leaders, workers, servants etc. etc.


The culmination of all of this reflection was the concept of WMW. A place/space (actual or virtual) to appreciate the beauty of the countryside and nature, take some time out, have opportunity to chat about life and how to be better. I also had the idea to facilitate a way for men to hear from some amazing women. When I told Jess about this she said "I'd love the chance to talk to a bunch of men about this!" Say no more - she'll be the first key note speaker! So at some point I’ll be organising the inaugural WMW Festival. Watch this space! (I also think, speaking as a straight white man, that this should be expanded to parallel privileges and so will broaden/diversify the scope.) 


Since then I have also been inspired by a number of factors to move in to the area of Coaching. I am excited to combine some of these wellness ideas with a coaching concept of walking alongside people in their personal development journey, through and to a better life. 


Peter - the Well Man Walking.

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